About me
Passionate about video games since as early as I can remember, I never thought I would one day try to make the games I dream of a reality!
After a bachelor in Anthropology, a field that I do enjoy, I realized that the job opportunities that are available to me weren't the most thrilling. I decided to try and re-orient myself to see if I had what it took to be in the video game industry!
After all, why shouldn't I be one of those that creates those games I love?

With 3 years of studies at NAD about everything game making: from 3D modeling, to texturing and some animating for good measure, I do believe this wide range of hands-on experience gives me an edge into the art of actually designing games. I understand the workflows and the challenges that comes with each trade, and I strive to be a strong element of a team!
As a game designer, I am able to create documents (be it more straightforward flowcharts or more fleshed out One Pagers) in order to share clearly and concisely an idea to a team. I am also not afraid to get "my hands dirty" by doing some early prototypes with visual coding, Unreal Blueprint in this case. Two of my projects presented here in this portfolio, were actually coded entirely by me!
It is very important for me to be a part of a team and be able to share, get feedback and build a stronger game together!



09/2015 - 06/2016
Langues, Certificate of Proficiency in English - Language and Culture
McGill University, Montréal, QC

09/2019 - 04/2023
Anthropologie, Bachelor of Arts: Major Anthropology, Minor Film Studies
Concordia University, Montréal, QC